Everything You Need to Know About Waterbirth


You may have heard this term before. You may know women who have chosen to use hydrotherapy during labor and childbirth. You may even be considering the use of water during your own birthing experience but are still unsure.

At Columbia Birth Center, we take pride in providing comfort and support to every family that walks through our doors, fully educating you on all of your birthing options, including waterbirth.

Woman in Tub During Birth

What is Waterbirth?

Waterbirth is the use of a warm water bath during labor and birth. When a baby is born in water, it is still attached to the umbilical cord, receiving oxygen exactly as it was in the womb. This creates a gentle transition for the baby from the amniotic sac into the world. But did you know that waterbirth carries countless benefits for mom as well?

Mom and Newborn After Waterbirth

The Many Benefits

Women, midwives, and doctors acknowledge the analgesic effects of water. Many of our mothers state they would never be able to labor without being in the water. But why? 

Think about it this way. We all love a relaxing bath, especially if we can turn on gentle jets that circulate the water and keep it warm as long as we want. Climbing into a big tub at the end of a long day is the perfect way to unwind and relieve stress. Now think about a woman experiencing the stress of labor and birth. The large jacuzzi tub provides a safe place for her to relax and ease her anxiety. 

Now consider the effect of deepwater buoyancy. The deep bath creates an environment free from gravity’s pull, allowing a laboring mother’s body to produce pain inhibitors known as endorphins that complement labor. The water encourages spontaneous movement for the mother. No one has to help her get into a new position. She moves freely, helping her pelvis open and allowing the baby to descend. 

On top of that, buoyancy promotes more efficient uterine contractions and improves blood circulation. Better oxygenation of the uterine muscles means less pain for mom and more oxygen for the baby. 

Less stress, faster labor, and natural pain relief are just the beginning. Additional waterbirth benefits include:

  • Mom feels in control

  • Promotes relaxation

  • Conserves mom’s energy

  • Reduces the need for drugs and interventions

  • The tub gives mothers a more private, protected space

  • Reduces perinatal trauma and reduces the need for a repair

  • Reduces cesarean section rates

Water positively affects a laboring mother but also everyone in the room. As soon as a woman enters the tub, the ambiance in the birth suite changes. The room naturally quiets, voices become whispers, and mom stays calmer. Peace falls on everyone present, creating a relaxed space to welcome new life.

Is it for Me?

Birth is a special, unique, and personal experience that is different for each woman. Water enhances labor and birth, but it may not be for everyone. The key is to listen to your body and communicate with your midwife about how you’re feeling. Water is a valuable tool, but it’s necessary to use the tools that are right for you.  

We encourage you to visit our website to learn more about waterbirth and what you can expect from your experience at Columbia Birth Center. Then, come see our new birth center for yourself! We are here to help you have the pregnancy and birth experience you deserve.

Woman During Water Birth

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